Saturday, October 20, 2012

Niagara Falls

For the last two days, we have been in the Niagara Falls area.  We are actually staying in Grand Island, New York within 20 minutes of the Falls.  Today, we went across to Ontario, Canada to view the Falls.  People had told us that the view was best in Canada.  We saw the American Falls and the Canadian Falls, both of which are known as "Niagara Falls."

Today was the 5th Wedding Anniversary for Nancy and me.  Niagara Falls........what a wonderful place to be to celebrate a special day!

There is still alot of color on the trees as evidenced in some of the pictures.  It has been raining most every day.  While driving to the Niagara Falls, the sun came out and this very large rainbow appeared across the entire road.  I had to pull over and stop the motorhome to take a picture!


American Falls

Canadian Falls
Niagara Police Department Building......and trees!
Rainy and usual!!!
Nancy loves bears.  This one has a hold on her!!

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